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Had a meeting today.  Not really a meeting, but a social call and a presentation for something pretty great.

We ended up at a pretty wonderful coffee shop.  This place was pretty spectacular.  Two stories, lots of

lap top plugins, great coffee and most of all…the view!


Woods coffee is located right down on the waterfront.  One can sit and watch the ferries go by or sit and enjoy

the sights and sounds of the sea.  Inside there are many places to sit including the second story which is cozy and quant.


There is a wide range of people here.  Lots of fun and laughter happening.  I see at least two meetings taking

place at the moment which is usually a sign of greatness in what is the “hang out” factor.


With it’s rustic wood decor and multi level coziness I could tell as soon as I walked in that this

place was a great and popping place to be.


So if you find yourself in Bellingham and need a place to park it for a while,or you need a place to sit and

enjoy a few moments and a great cup of coffee, pop on in…I know I will be back sometime soon with much more

people watchin’ in mind.


Until then, enjoy your day.

