hello and welcome…



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One day I just didn’t have time to make coffee before leaving the house. Coffee is my comfort.

So I decided to stop for some. I was sitting in the drive-thru when it hit me…why am I in such a hurry? I backed out of the line, that was far to long, and decided to just go in. A whole new world opened up to me that day. I now have a new obsession...coffee shops.

There is just something about a coffee shop. I ordered coffee and a doughnut and grabbed a seat on a stool. I decided to do some good ol’ people watching, while I drank my jo.

This blog has been birthed from my “adventures in coffee shops,” where ever I find them.

In the following posts I will be highlighting some of the coffee shops I have been visiting, as well as chit-chatting about some of the interesting people I observe.

I thought I ‘d invite you along…so join me, wont you?…let’s take the time to have a cup of coffee and a doughnut.

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(photos today brought to you by scandia coffeehouse, with our server “madi”- thanks madi…and thanks to her wonderful boss for letting us in.)