As you can probably tell…I have been away from this space. I am at this moment, however, drinking coffee and watching people. So I thought I would pop in and say hello. “Hello”
I am sitting here in the Les Schwab tire center. And for those of you who don’t know…they have free coffee and popcorn for you to snack on while you wait. I am sitting with my coffee and popcorn now…waiting.
I have noticed that there are two kinds of people here. Men, who are filthy dirty. They are either filthy from working on their car before bringing it in or men who are coming straight from work? That is only a guess. There are also women here. Or there have been women popping in and out while I have been watching. The ones I have seen have been in their late 70’s or so and pop in with- out an appointment. I think they are much smarter than I am because they stop everything they are doing to make sure their vehicle is running as it should. I can not say the same.
There is one mother with a young child in tow. He is busy, for the moment, enjoying his popcorn. There is an older gentleman who is in for some kind of leak in his tire. They have looked twice now and have not found the leek…they are telling him that” just because they can not find the leak it doesn’t mean it isn’t there.” They go on to say that “ If his tire is going flat…it does have a leak and will need to be replaced.” But as it turns out…he drives a catty and all the tires will need to be replaced or it will throw everything off? Or so I am hearing. If there is any truth to that statement…I never want to buy a catty. I can’t afford it. Sheesh. Which brings me back to my original thought…Are the older ladies I mentioned earlier smarter than I am for bringing their vehicle in right away? Or just have more money, which is why I usually wait.
There is a father and son here. They seem to have been here quite a while and it would seem that they did not come prepared to wait. They look extremely board. There is a younger worker who has been putting tires on the racks since I arrived. I have been here about an hour and I have only noticed him because he is wearing shoes that squeak when he walks. It makes me giggle. They look the same as all of the other workers shoes. I ‘m not sure why his squeak. I know a mother who puts her toddler into shoes that squeak on purpose. She always knew where she was…maybe this workers shoes squeak because they are new and he is a new worker and they kind of want to know where he is??? Probably not. But it’s a thought “o)
Hurrah!…my car is done. And I have finished my coffee. Nice visiting with you again.
Until next time friends.