I have found myself back at this coffeeshop.
I must finish an edit. I have three more to go after that.
I have ordered a coffee, carmal macchito. It's good. Sometimes I venture out, away from my usual vanilla. When the coffee is extra strong adding extra sweet helps cut the bitter. I ordered a double today so extra sweet was nessessary this time :) and yes, it was iced.
It is super hot outside. Makes for some cranky, crazy drivers. I have already heard 3 seperate aid cars go by.
The coffeeshop was pretty full when I came in. It has emptied out a bit now. One of the things I love about this place is that there are several little coves people can sit in. It makes it so much easier for me to focus on the job at hand. Today editing, but sometimes a meet and greet is at hand. It is much easier to talk about birth stuff when a little bit of privacy can be had.
I have discovered that I am drawn to the coffeeshops that have seperate little places to sit. I am not drawn to the coffeeshops that have one long table. It is just too difficult to edit when I feel everyone can see what's on my screen.
Well, it is time for me to get back to work. Enjoy your weekend friends.