
star star gg    star star hh


I will be sitting and waiting a lot this week…come to think of it, next week too.

I arrived tonight to a “full”  coffee house. 

Over 20 people here tonight and more coming…I am expecting friends.

It’s prime people watchin’ tonight…so let’s see…

Oh where to begin :o)


A man in a suit sits by the fireplace.  He has no coffee, but sits playing with his phone.

Two middle aged women sit across from him, but you can tell they are not with him.  Only one of them

has a beverage…hmmmmm maybe the other was finished before I arrived. 

Two men sit behind them at the first group of tables…they both have coffee…hot.  They

both also have their phones sitting on the table. 


Two teenaged girls sit behind them…they are coloring…in coloring books…with crayons?  Sure why not??

Another couple just sat down close to the fireplace…I think it was due to the fact that it is so crowded.  I think they

are seeking out a table.

Two men sit next to me…I am sitting in a corner, feet up and sitting in front of a window…I like window seats.  The men

are both drinking coffee…hot.  One has his phone on the table, and one is holding his…I also see keys?

hmmmmm….some men tend to put their keys in their pockets, and some keep them close at hand.  I have

never been aware of that before.


There is a woman wearing a hat…uh…ok?…it is a rainy dreary day out today.

She is sitting with two men…they look like dear friends.  One is drawing, one has a textbook and one is

just sitting and drinking his coffee…(hot seems to be the beverage choice on this dreary day.)

They are all laughing and even in a crowded room…they are the ones who are grabbing my attention.  They truly

enjoy each other’s company…smiles…and heads thrown back in laughter..I love it.


There is a small group of tables along the wall just inside the door on the way in. 

A group of twenty something's are sitting there.  Just visiting.  One tea and two coffees.

Computer count tonight…only two.  Wow!


Friends are here now…time to visit.
